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Board of Directors FHFSC


President: Blair Naiberg

Treasurer: Rose M. Reis

Secretary: Sam Ng

Director at Large: William Geng

Director: Jessica Rotenberg

Director at Large: Stefania Colombo


 FHFSC is looking for Members that would like

 to be involved on many levels of club decision 

 making and making the club great. If that is you

 please email your interest. 


                                                                           Your feedback whether it be concerns, comments

                                     or suggestions about our programs, coaches and

                                     staff are important to us. 


                                     Please send a confidential email message to

                                     the President, FHFSC Board of Directors at



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Forest Hill Figure Skating Club 

Forest Hill Figure Skating Club (FHFSC) is a skating club governed by the rules of Skate Canada and Skate Ontario. The Club office operates out of Larry Grossman Forest Hill Memorial Arena (Larry Grossman), with ice time available for club members at Larry Grossman and Phil White Arena. 

FHFSC is proud to be part of such a vibrant community and offer its members ice availability seven days a week. The Club strives to provide a fun and inclusive environment for all ages and abilities of recreational skaters in the community, offering instruction from Pre-Can Skate CanSkate, CanPower(hockey skills), Adults, STARSkate(Figure Skating Program) and Academy (Competitive Team). 

Board Responsibilities

The mandate of Skate Ontario for a skating club operated by a board of directors includes:

  • Providing safe, full and equitable access to high quality indoor ice sport recreational facilities and where applicable other recreational facilities (e.g. dressing room, off ice facilities)
  • Allocating the use of the facilities and services of the Club in a fair and equitable manner among members and coaches, while bearing in mind the need to generate sufficient revenue to operate the Club at the lowest reasonable cost to the Club and its members
  • Developing proposed ice allocation schedules based on the needs of its members, and consistent with the targets and requirements set-out by Skate Canada and Skate Ontario and the objectives of the Club.
  • Follow Skate Canada Code of Ethics and adhere to all rules, regulations and policies and by-laws as set forth by Skate Canada, Skate Ontario and the FHFSC.

Term of office

Two (2) years.


  • Coach Representative
  • Between 5  to 7 FHFSC board members


In addition to the general eligibility requirements set out in the FHFSC by-laws, FHFSC members should collectively possess:

  • An interest and commitment to volunteering and community development including an understanding of diverse neighbourhoods and skating environments
  • A range of skills or experiences such as fundraising, financial management, sports facility operation, event planning, amateur and children's sports development in the community, managing in the non-profit sector, law or marketing
  • Members representing the various levels of skating offered by the Club and possibly having different coaches as service providers, in order to represent each segment of our members
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the programs and activities of the Club
  • A youthful perspective implemented by being a FHFSC member if more than 18 years old or be the parent or guardian of at least one skater who is a member at FHFSC.


The board members are required to meet on a regular basis and at any time at the request of a majority of the members of the board, or at the call of the chair.

The board generally meets monthly, at Larry Grossman, with meeting dates provided at the beginning of the season. 

Board members are also encouraged to volunteer at various club activities throughout the year (e.g. performance days, end of season performance showcase) to support FHFSC.


No remuneration is paid to board members.

Current Appointments: 




Appt Start Date

Appt End Date



Rose M Reis

Sept 2022

Sept 2024



Blair Naiberg

Sept 2021

Sept 2023



Sam Ng

Sept 2022

Sept 2024



Jessica Rotenberg

Sept 2023

Sept 2025


Director at Large

William Geng

Sept 2022

Sept 2024

6 Director, Skating and Coaching Julia Sari Sept 2023 Sept 2025

If you are interested in joining the FHFSC board please send us an email at to the attention of the Nomination Committee.

                                                        Next AGM September 2024 

 To review the clubs By-Laws please click here  FHFSC ByLaws






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